2013 Programs

December 23-29, 2013
Feeding the Birds
What to do with your Christmas Tree.

December 16-22, 2013
Fruits and Nuts
Ornamental Pear Fruit
Old Pesticides - What do you do with them?

December 9-15, 2013
It's time to stop planting.
De-icers and Plants
Gifts for Gardeners

December 2-8, 2013
It's time to stop...
Poinsettias, Again
Safety with Holiday Greenery

November 25-December 1, 2013
High pH Soils and What To Do
Selecting Christmas Trees

November 18-24, 2013
Forcing Bulbs
Poinsettia Care
Selecting Christmas Trees

November 11-17, 2013
Cleaning Off Flower Beds
Compost Pile Management

November 4-10, 2013
Winterizing Power Equipment
Winterizing Hand Tools
Planting Bulbs

October 28-November3, 2013
Get to Treating Those Lawn Weeds
Normal Needle Drop in Pines
Extending the Garden Season

October 21-27, 2013
To Rake or Not to Rake
What To Do With Lawns in the Fall
Storing Tender Bulbs

October 14-20, 2013
Lawn Weed Control Season is Approaching
End of Garden Season Odds and Ends
October Tree Pests

October 7-13, 2013
Last Tomatoes of the Season
Working Garden Soil in the Fall
Amending Soils with Sand

September 30-October 6, 2013
Planting Garlic
Planting Spring Flowering Bulbs
Planting Trees in the Fall

September 23-29, 2013
Storing Apples
Renovating Old Lilacs
Harvesting Sweet Potatoes

September 16-22, 2013
Fall Fertilization
Core Aerating
Dividing Peonies

September 9-15, 2013
Planting Grass Seed
Little Barley Control
Planting Fall Containers

September 2-8, 2013
Peony Management
Gardening Odds and Ends
A 'Weedeater' is NOT a Lawnmower

August 26-September 1, 2013
Grass Seed Quality Does Make a Difference
Late Summer Gardening
Leaf Spots on Trees

August 19-25, 2013
Fall Lawn Reseeding
Grass Sandburs
Dividing Daylilies

August 12-18, 2013
Fungus and Trees
Field Bindweed in Lawns

August 5-11, 2013
Start Planning for Lawn Renovations

July 29-August 4, 2013
Last Call for Bagworms
Green June Beetles
Fall Gardening

July 22-28, 2013
Squirrels Have Teeth
Cicada Killer Season
Life Span of Tree

July 15-21, 2013
Dealing with Spider Mites
Japanese Beetles
Bermudagrass Control

July 8-14, 2013
Don't Be Impatient
Blossom End Rot of Tomatoes
Grub Control of Lawns

July 1-7, 2013
Tomato Issues- Warts, Spots, and Rolling Leaves
Grasshopper Control
Squash Bugs

June 24-30, 2013
Tomato Leaf Spot Diseases
Little Barley

June 17-23, 2013
This weed is taking over my yard?
Early Summer Vegetable Gardening
Bagworms Part II

June 10-16, 2013
Side Dressing Gardens
Tattered Leaves

June 3-9, 2013
Mowing Wet Grass
Fertilizing Warm Season Grasses
Tree Leaf Issues

May 27-June 2, 2013
Pruning After the Storm
End of planting season?
What's eating my plants?

May 20-26, 2013
Instant Summer!
Plant By Soil Temperature

May 13-19, 2013
Blackspot of Roses
Ash/Lilac Borer
Tomato Time?

April 29-May 5, 2013
Weather Challenges
Growing Blueberries in Kansas
Controlling Bindweed

April 22-28, 2013
Weather Challenges
Unwanted Fruit on Trees
Is there still time to....?

April 15-21, 2013
Early Season Lawn and Lawn Mower Care
Late Season Treatment on Flowering Weeds
It's too early for many garden plants!

April 8-14, 2013
Planting Easter Lilies Outside
Proper Timing of Crabgrass Preventers
Spring Treatment of Blooming Weeds

April 1-7, 2013
Pruning Fruit Trees
Getting an Early Start With Tomatoes
Applying Organic Matter to Soils

March 18-24, 2013
Time to Garden!
Cleaning up Ornamental Grasses

March 11-17, 2013
Potato Planting Season Approaching
Strawberry Mulch Removal
Grafted Tomatoes

March 4-10, 2013
EAB Treatments
Coldframes for a Jump on Spring
Improving Soils

February 25-March 3, 2013
Planning Your Fruit Orchard
Start the Gardening Season with a Clean Slate

February 18-24, 2013
Spring Flowering Bulbs
So you got Flowers for Valentine's Day
Happy 150th Birthday K-State!

February 11-17, 2013
How early can I start gardening?
Dormant Oil Spray vs. Dormant Fungicide Spray
Is your fruit tree lonely?

February 4-10, 2013
Starting Your Own Fruit Trees
Pruning Fruit Trees
What should I plant?

January 28-February 3, 2013
Giving Young Trees a Head Start
Bird Feeding - A Fun Family Activity
Water Conservation Planning

January 21-27, 2013
Why do you garden?
Wildlife Resistant Landscape Plants
All America Selection Plants for 2013

January 14-20, 2013
Grow Lights
Keeping Poinsettias Alive
Starting Plants From Seed

January 4-13, 2013
Tough Time of Year for a Gardener
Feeding the Birds
Dormant Season Fruit Tree Care

December 31, 2012-January 6, 2013
Leave the Snow and Ice Alone
A Gardener's New Years Resolutions
Soil Amendments - what do we need?